Friday, August 12, 2011


and you thought I was done...

Heck no. Tired I may be, exhausted I may be, but it's my girl's birthday so I'll just push through and be happy (or bipolar) about it. We are attempting a triple layer cheesecake in my new convection oven.



Okay for starters I LOVE my house.  I'm so excited to have a home of my own.  I love the fact that the walls are neutral colors (as is the carpet) so I can basically do any color scheme I want and it'll work.  I also love the fact that if I get sick of the current scheme I can change it really easy without new paint!!  I promise to post pictures soon.

I am exhausted.  The move was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Cleaning the rental house was on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I thought I only had to finish 1 tub on Thursday but found that my children's bath wasn't the standard of  "clean" that would pass the final walk-through inspection, let alone my own.  Did I mention the water was turned off on Tuesday which made cleaning the following two day so much fun.  Besides dumping a bucket of water, thankfully clean, on myself yesterday it went off without much of a hitch...  Okay so who cares that the current holder of our lease never received the original walk-through papers during the buy-out and will hold us responsible for all the crap wrong in that place.  Oh yeah, it's in the bin my mom's dog peed in.  >.> Some days I swear I could scream.

I wish I had a blind/curtain on my bedroom window.  You may think privacy #1, but since my window faces the patio I'm not to worried about that just yet.  However, if the kids leave their bathroom light on at night it shines through my window.  If Ck2 waves his little flashlight around at night it shines through my window.  If the sun rises the light surely finds it's way into my room. Add to that a night where being in the kennel was surely killing Gracie (Mom's dog) by the high pitched moaning she was doing or a new kitten meowing in my ear/biting my fingers and I've reached the shear exhaustion point.

Ahhhh, a week in the life. 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

What a day!!

I can't believe how fast this day flew by and how many hours I seemed to have put into it.  I woke up early and worked on my quilt.

I was hoping to have it finished to show to John's aunt but I somehow seemed to screw up my measurements. I'm not sure when I went wrong, but now that the letters and leaves are sewn on I have no other choice but to either re-cut the letters and leaves and start over or trim down the inner border. Since it's a wall hanging quilt, the letters are so very time consuming, and I'm super lazy my choice is to trim down the inner border. Worst case scenario I add squares into the corners.

Anywho, after everyone else woke up it was time for more packing and cleaning.  Around 2 we had an appointment to show the family the house (seeing as we kept it a secret for so long) but the keys went missing. :(  So instead we had to suffer by the pool while Ollie made dinner and we chatted.  I know so mistreated right?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

on a quick note

For our new home. Can't wait for it to be done. 

The offiicial start

The official planning has begun. This is somewhat amusing since I've been 'un-officially" planning since forever. It's been easier to decide what I didn't than what I did want.

Initially we were going to get married in Vegas since it's been such a big part of our relationship, but logistically it sucks.  You can have a 'non-Vegas' wedding there but it'll cost you. Add to it the additional cost of food, rooms, and fun for everyone involved and it's just too much money.  Personally, more than the money, how to you sit and visit with friends and family you haven't seen in years when the theme of the town is "Come here!! See this!!"  It just doesnt' work for us.

I then started looking around town. There weren't a ton of options but enough to give us a choice. We could either do a park, a hotel w/a catered dinner, or a hotel w/it's own food.  The park was out.  The hotel with the catered food  was beautiful but not very cost effective, and the other hotel he hated. 

While hanging out at his mom's house I was struck with possibly having it poolside at her house. There were major pros and cons MAINLY the amount of work it would put on his parents.  We put that idea into limbo for a few months when my sweetheart of a man did the best thing ever...

He decided it was time to go house shopping.  Now, it wasn't planned this way but when we went to look at this house (The first one Chrys and I drove by and the 4th one we looked at.) we knew it was the one.  We returned a few times to be sure and made an offer.  What's even more perfect is the backyard.

I love these trees. It's actually two trees that have grown together to be one. I love the symbolism of that. Two that have interwoven their lives together.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I love my life. Can I just shout that from the rooftops? I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!  It's kinda funny how that goes.

We got back from Vegas yesterday and had a good time. Friday was such a long day that we kinda bummed out that night, however we spent Saturday shopping, showing, and eating. LOL From 6 AM to midnight we ran, ran, ran...SOBER mind you. I love how we do Vegas.

It's unofficially official. We are getting married July 28, 2012 and I couldn't be happier. We had wanted to make it official this weekend (5 year anniversary as it is) however it came to house vs. ring and I had to choose house.

Oh yeah, we're buying a house. We close next week in fact. (Insert happy dance here.)

Life is good.